FILL IN THE ONLINE FORM - Let's save paper!

    If you come to dive, fill in this form and save the paperwork at the dive centre.*

    Date of birth

    Diving license

    When was your last dive?

    Diving insurance

    If you don't have dive insurance, don't worry, we can provide you with one for €9 per day with ScubaMedic.

    Medical Form

    Download and fill in the Medical Certificate PDF Once completed, please send it to Or fill it out at the shop.

    1. Non-Agency Disclosure and Acknowledgement Agreement

    "I understand and agree that PADI® Members ("Members"), including Black Frog Divers, and/or any individual PADI Instructors and Divemasters associated with the program in which I am participating, are licensed to use various PADI Trademarks and to conduct PADI training, but are not agents, employees or franchisees of PADI EMEA Ltd., PADI Americas, Inc. or their parents, subsidiaries and affiliates ("PADI"). I further understand that the business activities of Members are independent, and are not owned or operated by PADI, and that while PADI sets the standards for PADI diver training programs, it is not responsible for, and has no right to control, the operation of Members' business activities and the day-to-day conduct of PADI programs and supervision of divers by Members or their associated personnel."

    2. Statement of risk and liability and safe diving standards. Statement of understanding.

    (Versión EU)
    Please read this document carefully and fill in the blanks before signing it.

    This is a statement informing you of the risks of freediving and scuba diving.

    This declaration also sets out the circumstances under which you will dive at your own risk. Your signature on this declaration is required as proof that you have received and read it. It is important that you read the contents of this declaration before signing it. If you do not understand any part of it, please discuss it with your instructor. If you are a minor, this form must also be signed by a parent or guardian.

    This Risk and Liability Statement covers and applies to all diving activities in which you choose to participate. These activities and courses may include, but are not limited to, altitude, boat, cavern, AWARE, deep, enriched air, photography/videography, underwater propulsion vehicle, currents, dry suit, ice, multilevel, night, buoyancy mastery, search and recovery, rebreather, underwater naturalist, navigation, wreck, adventure diver, rescue diver and other distinctive specialties (hereinafter "Programs").


    Freediving and scuba diving have inherent risks that may result in serious injury or death.

    Diving with compressed air involves certain inherent risks: dysbaric injury, embolism or other hyperbaric injury may occur and require treatment in a hyperbaric chamber. Training and certification as an open water diver may involve the need to undertake trips to locations that are distant, either in time or distance or both, from a decompression chamber. Freediving and scuba diving are physically demanding activities as you will experience during this dive programme.

    I understand that past or present medical conditions may contraindicate my participation in the Programmes. I declare that I am mentally and physically fit to dive, and that I am not under the influence of alcohol, or under the influence of any substance that is contraindicated for diving. If I am taking any medication, I declare that I have seen a physician and received his/her approval to dive under the influence of that medication. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform my instructor of any changes to my medical history at any time during my participation in the Programmes and I accept responsibility if I fail to do so.


    I hereby declare and agree that this Agreement shall be effective for all activities associated with the Programmes in which I participate for one year from the date I sign this Agreement.

    I understand and agree that neither the Black Frog Divers professionals conducting this program, nor the Black Frog Divers facilities through which it is conducted, nor PADI EMEA Ltd., PADI Americas, Inc., PADI Worldwide Corp. or their affiliates or subsidiary corporations, nor any of their respective employees, officers, agents or assigns accept any liability for death, injury or other damage/loss suffered by me to the extent resulting from my own conduct or from anything or any situation under my control involving my own negligence.

    In the absence of any negligence or other breach of duty on the part of the dive professionals conducting this program, the facilities through which this program is conducted, Black Frog Divers, PADI EMEA Ltd., PADI Americas, Inc., PADI Worldwide Corp. and all involved parties referenced above, I understand that my participation in this dive program is entirely at my own risk and responsibility.

    I acknowledge receipt of this Declaration and acknowledge that I have read all terms and conditions prior to signing this Declaration.


    This is a statement informing you of the established safe diving practices for freediving and scuba diving.

    These practices have been compiled for your review and knowledge and are intended to enhance your comfort and safety in diving. Your signature of this statement is required as proof that you are aware of these safe diving practices. Please read and discuss the statement before signing.

    If you are a minor, this form must also be signed by a parent or guardian. I, the diver, understand that as a diver I will:

    1. Keep myself physically and mentally fit to dive. Avoid diving under the influence of alcohol or dangerous drugs. Maintain a good level of diving skills, striving to increase them through continuing education and review under controlled conditions after a period of diving inactivity and refer to course materials to keep up to date and review important information.

    2. Be familiar with the usual dive sites. If not, obtain formal dive orientation from a reliable local source. If diving conditions are worse than those under which I normally dive, postpone diving or seek an alternative area with better conditions. Participate only in diving activities commensurate with my training and experience. Not participate in technical diving or cave diving unless specifically trained to do so.

    3. Use reliable, complete and well-maintained equipment with which I am familiar; inspect it before each dive for proper function and condition. Have a buoyancy control device with low pressure inflation system for buoyancy control, submersible pressure gauge and alternate air source and dive planning/control device (dive computer, dive tables/PIR - whichever you are trained to use) when diving. Do not allow non-certified divers to use my equipment.

    4. Listen carefully to dive briefings and guidelines and respect the advice of those supervising my diving activities. Recognize that additional training is recommended for participation in specialty diving activities, in other geographic areas and after periods of inactivity exceeding six months.

    5. Comply with the buddy system on each dive. Plan dives with my buddy (including communication techniques for reuniting in case of separation, and emergency procedures).

    6. Be efficient in dive planning (use of dive computer or dive tables). Conduct all dives on a no-decompression basis and allow a safety margin. Have means to monitor depth and time underwater. Limit the maximum depth to my level of training and experience. Ascend at a rate of no more than 18 metres per minute. Be a SAFE diver (ascend slowly after each dive). Perform a safety stop as an additional precaution normally at 5 metres for at least 3 minutes.

    7. Maintain adequate buoyancy. Adjust surface weight to maintain neutral buoyancy with the buoyancy compensator deflated. Maintain neutral buoyancy underwater. Establish buoyancy necessary for surface swimming and resting. Have weight accessible so that I can easily remove it and establish buoyancy when I am in danger while diving. Carry at least one surface signalling device (e.g. signal tube, whistle, mirror).

    8. Breathe properly for diving. Never hold or omit breathing when breathing compressed air, and avoid excessive hyperventilation when freediving. Avoid excessive exertion while in and under water and dive within my limitations.

    9. Use a boat, float, or other means of surface support whenever possible.

    10. To know and obey local diving rules and regulations, including hunting and fishing laws and dive flag laws. I have read the above statements and have had all my questions answered to my satisfaction.

    I understand the importance and purpose of these established practices. I acknowledge that their establishment is for my own safety and well-being, and that failure to comply with them may endanger me in the course of the dive."

    3.Data protection

    Black Frog Divers in compliance with the Organic Law of Data Protection (L.O.P.D 15/1999), informs you that your personal data will be incorporated into the file "Alumnos" of Black Frog Divers, in order to manage our services, as well as the management of the course in which you are admitted. This personal data will not be given to any type of organisation, neither public nor private, except those that for legal reasons are required to do so.

    You also authorise us to transfer your data to the PADI company in order to obtain your diving certificate and to send the student's diving card by post or e-mail.

    Those affected may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, against the person responsible for the file at the following email address:


    In accordance with the data protection regulations, we inform you that your personal data are included in an automatic file owned by Marcin Pawel Ogrodowski NIE:Y3005996W (Black Frog Divers) based in Urbanización Laguna Beach, Local Oeste 3, Torrox Costa, Spain. The purpose of this file is the management of clients and the sending of general information about our services, promotions and activities related to Black Frog Divers."