Scuba Diving in Fraggle Rock
Scuba Diving in Fraggle Rock
Yesterday we have been diving in Marina del Este. The weather wasn’t very good: the parking area was empty and no other divers were in the water.
A cold wind was blowing from south and the sea was very rough.
Our Polish divers were not intimidated by that and their love for the water and diving, pushed all of us to get ready and get into the sea!We wore our best and thick suits and prepared ourself for a safe and fun dive!
The water temperature wasn’t accually so bad: my computer was showing 14°C (outside were 18°C but with a nasty wind) and once we start to move and get excited, we warmed up and we forgt about the cold.
We decided to bring our polish scuba divers in Fraggle Rock: this dive site is located on the right end side of Marina del Este Bay. As the name suggest, Freggle Rock is a rock extrusion located around 25m down. The rock formation is the perfect place where lots of sea creature find a protection and a house. It is, in fact, rich in coral, anemones and sea grass.
Maybe the visibility wasn’t the greatest because of the waves and the bad weather ( it was around 10m ) but we had the luck to actually see a lot.
The first animals we got into, was a very big cuttlefish, around 40cm long with a beautiful little skirt. Its colours were changing with every movement and it runned away as soon as we got too close. 🙁
A flying gurnard was camouflaging itself between the rocks, but our expert eyes made us find it. It was walking at first, with its little “legs” but than, with an elegant motion, it opened the wings up and it flew away. We could see its beautiful colours, the little border violet/blue of its wings and admire its uninterrupted fly in the water.
We managed to see few flying gurnard during the all dive and it is always exciting to find them.
There is a lot of excitement everytime you can see something hidden.
After that, se saw two very big octopuses! Their heads were so big and their tentacles so long: for sure they were around 1.50m long.
We saw few different species of nudibranches: blue, violet, white… Each of them with their grace, shape and colours, moving with the current, without fight.
The best part was when, apporocing the 25m, close to the car wrecks, we saw a Mola-mola. It was waiting for us to arrive and see it in its weird shape and pose, swimming alone, staring at us with its round and expressionless eye!
On top of it, we manage to see: two conger eels, one murene and lots of colourfull fishes! It was a great 55mins dive and we had lots of fun!
Marina bay is for sure one of the best diving sites, that offers so much to see and discover. The dives are easy, there is nothing too dangerous or difficult!
If your eyes are good enought to see what doesn’t want to be seen, you will be surprise of how much life the Mediterraean sea hold into its water. If you are eyes are not good, Black Frog Divers Team will be more than happy to show you all the wonders during amzing dives!